Primordial Language in Toriel | World Anvil


Primordial is the language of primordials and elementals. The Giant language is a debased form of it. The Abyssal language is a form of Primordial warped and twisted by the evil of the Abyss.   It is also considered a language family, so the elemental languages Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran are considered a group of dialects of Primordial. They are sufficiently similar that creatures who understand one of those dialects can understand the others as well.   Primordial is written using runes, similar to those used in the Dwarvish script.  


Although it is a derivative of the primordial language, aquan does not utilize the Dwarvish runic system. Aquan is the language spoken by water elemental and underwater creatures. When spoken by mermaid, sea elves or tritons, the language is flowing and sung, similar to elven, full of subtleties of meaning, relying heavily on context and inflection.  

Writting System


Aquand only has seven consosnants, which they combine with vowels in a rigid set of consonant-vowel syllables. The “a” set of syllables is dedicated to numbers, though the word for each number means several other things as well. Ma means “four” but also “body” and “complete,” pronounced the same but written with different symbols. When spoken, words are accompanied by a hand gesture similar to sign language to give context.  


Aquan has a base-49 number system:    


Auran is the language of Air elemental, like the primordial language it derived from, auran utilizes the dwarvish runic system. Auran is a breathy, relaxed language that has been described as a slow exhaling of air.  


Ignan is the language of Fire elemental, like the primordial language it derived from, auran utilizes the dwarvish runic system. It is sometimes represented with draconic runes. Like draconic, ignan is full of sharp clicks and hisses.  


Terrand is the language of Earth elemental, like the primordial language it derived from, auran utilizes the dwarvish runic system. Terran is a succinct language with little room for misconception. Terran is often described as a rumbling language with deep tones that reverberate through the listener.  


The language itself predates most of civilization, and its origins are unknown. The base language is dead, and only the four dialects and the derived form of giant and abyssal are still used.

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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