Mandrake Species in Toriel | World Anvil


Mandrake, also known as "devil's apple" is a poisonous plant with a humanoid-shaped root.   The root is rich in magical properties and can be used in various alchemical brews and potions. It is particularly known for its ability to maintain longevity, preventing further aging but not restoring lost youth. It is also believed to have aphrodisiac properties. The fresh mandrake is considered extremely toxic, and the earth surrounding the plant is poisoned by it. Even breathing in the fumes or sprinkling the fresh juice onto a cut hand can have fatal consequences. The toxin secreted by the root also causes powerful hallucinogenic effects. As such, care is taken to use a mask and gloves to pick them.   It is also said that when plucked out of the ground, the mandrake screams, however, this is not true. This folklore is believed to be due to the hallucinogenic properties of the toxic fumes.   The plant can also be used in perfume.  


Creatures entering in a 15-foot-radius of the plant for the first time must succed at a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until they leave the area.

General Information

Scientific name
Mandragora officinarum
Geographic Distribution


Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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