Demon Species in Toriel | World Anvil


“As creatures of chaos incarnate, demons have no unified culture. The only modicum of order that exists for a demon is the one imposed upon it by a more powerful demon—and the moment that a demon rises high enough to assert its authority on others is the very moment that rivals begin to subvert that authority.”
— The Demonomicon
Demons are chaotic evil fiends from the Abyss. A demon is fundamentally a creature whose soul is bound to to Abyss.  


In contrast to the Seven Hells, where mortals can conduct business (if mostly in the Basalt CItadel), few mortals visit the brutal demon-ruled Abyss. Where devils are creatures of ordered tyranny, demons are savage and chaotic, driven by madness and hunger. Their societies are inscrutable: twisting, crumbling, and rebuilding at a truly insane rate.   The language of demons is, naturally, Abyssal.  


Physical features


Most of them feed upon magic and life, and delight in inflicting suffering, spreading corruption, and destroying all that is good. Most demons' hunger for life and magic can never be sated for long. Their innate cruelty makes a moot point of whatever temporary satisfaction they can know. As a result, destruction tends to follow these demons  



Demons exhibit varying levels of intelligence and organization within their hierarchies. Basic demon groups often possess limited intelligence, primarily relying on instinct and force. Their endeavors might extend to raiding villages, but internal strife typically limits their long-term cohesion.   As demons ascend in power, superior demons emerge with increased strength and intelligence. These demons are capable of implementing basic strategies and display a more organized approach to their actions. However, it is the demon lords who stand out among their kind. In addition to their formidable strength and powers, demon lords possess extraordinary intelligence, strategic planning abilities, and foresight. These qualities make their armies particularly dangerous.   Demon lords have a unique ability to exert influence over other demons. Lesser demons naturally feel a compelling call from a demon lord and instinctively obey their commands. This innate hierarchy and the centralized control exercised by demon lords contribute to the potency and effectiveness of their demonic forces.  



Leaders of various levels of the Abyss are known as demon lords.   Demon lords approach close enough to divinity that they cannot cross the Divine Gate on their own, though sufficient mortal magic can summon them.  


The War of the Ancients was a major conflict which constituted the first coming of the demonic horde to Toriel In 4956 BD. One of the largest and most costly wars in Toriel's history, the War of the Ancients influenced the fate of all life on the planet for millennia to come.

General Information

Scientific name
Geographic Distribution


Average Lifespan
Average Height
Average Weight


Cover image: Demon of Wrath by Joshua Raphael


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