Black lotus Species in Toriel | World Anvil

Black lotus

The black lotus, also known as the "Nightshade Blossom", is an extremely rare and mysterious flower that can only be found in areas where powerful magic has been used in the past, such as ancient battlefields, ruins of powerful magical civilizations, or even in the vicinity of powerful magical artifacts. The stem of the black lotus is jet black, and the plant lacks leaves. The petals of the flower are a deep, inky black, while the filaments are a light purple color that seem to glow in the dark. The anthers of the black lotus are also almost glowing, slightly darker in color than the filaments.   Due to its unique appearance and association with magic, the black lotus is highly sought after by alchemists and sorcerers for its potential uses in potions and spells. The black lotus is highly prized for its ability to enhance magical abilities, and as such it is often sought after by sorcerers, wizards and other spellcasters. The petals of the plant can be dried and powdered, and then mixed into potions or used as an ingredient in spell casting.

General Information

Scientific name
Nelumbo magica
Geographic Distribution
Areas where powerful magic has been used.


Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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