Torar Present Day Freeport

Present Day Freeport

Era beginning/end


The modern day Freeport is a place of rebuilding and struggle, but one where Freeporters are fiercely loyal to their Sea Lord.

Sea Lord Maeorgan knows that many enemies, both new and old, are making plays within the city. Some detractors whisper that her preoccupation with the Reclamation Project, a transparent attempt to win the love of the citizens, has kept her from advancing her standing among the rich and powerful—i.e., the ones who really matter. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth: Her popularity has grown in all sectors and classes.   In fact, many believe that Marilise has been the best leader Freeport could have, despite her relative youth; her desire to better the city is almost saintly by Freeport standards. She has gained the faithful support of many powerful merchants and people of high station, both within the jeweled halls of Freeport and beyond. Furthermore, in working so closely with the Wizard’s Guild on the Reclamation, she has gained a most potent ally in its members (at least for as long as their goals intersect).

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Related timelines & articles
The History of Freeport (article)