The Lost Temple of Veazu Building / Landmark in Tor | World Anvil

The Lost Temple of Veazu

As the druids quietly lead you through the dense fey like jungle up a hill, they stop suddenly, and turn to you. Pathus The last Dawn looks at each of you, staring in silent judgment, he looks for a long, hard time. Finally he speaks "What you are about to witness, what you are about to experience, will not leave these lands. This is our true charge, for countless generations, i have personally protected these lands, and what it houses. Now, once you see this place, it will not be spoken of outside of this garden. Not to anyone. You will prove yourselves worthy of our aid, and prove that you share our values, as well as the great martyr." Two Dragonborn step out from behind the Parthus, and turn, they move their hands through thick vines and bushes, and part them, revealing a massive Aztec style pyramid with a large crack in it bellow the hill you reside on, a huge tree grows from within the temple, and creates the largest single tree canopy you have ever seen. you look down to the base of the structure where tons of dragon statues line the base, decorated in tons and tons of amber. looking at the clearing around the base of the structure you can see hundreds of people lined up in neat rows parallel of each other, with one gap in the center leading to the large main entrance to the temple.


Jutting out from the jungle canopy
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization