The Great City of Minirii Settlement in Tor | World Anvil

The Great City of Minirii

The pristine and proper City State of Minirii is the main manufacturer and distributor of Imbued Items on all of Erador, the only cities to rival such influence, as well as wealth beingCrom and Brauss. Ruled by the royal family Chidike, Minerii has been a place of unrivaled class and wealth for hundreds of years, however behind closed doors, Minirii's darkness licks and crawls about without restraint. Minirii publicly is a wonderful place of arcane might and beauty, however in hushed whispers it is one of the centers of slave trade, and War Magic within Kare'Gora, as well as being one of the main stops on The Dirus Run trade route, which is is known to fuel much of the conflicts that frequently plague Erador. Minirii's deep and true alliance with The Gilded Crown, its location being in the Goran Peninsula, and its natural defenses of steap coastal cliffs as well as The Rainbow Barrier Reef have made this city state practically untouchable from foreign attack, and because of these factors, the city has prospered greatly off the back bones of its slaves, its serf class, and extremely wealthy entrepreneurs or nobles.
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