The Broken Species in Tollomai | World Anvil
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The Broken

Long ago, the Possessed tried to make lesser Ascended, sharding his own divinity and granting pieces of it to his followers. This sin, even greater than slaying the gods, caused the Broken to twist and mutate, becoming something different entirely. Many of them died, by their own hand or the horrified followers of the Possessed, but even more foully, the curse does not always breed true. Broken can appear even in the most wholesome family, suddenly coming into their foul gifts after years as a perfectly normal child. Those that escape live on the run, hiding their nature however possible. There are whispers that Ars Arjin has a conclave of Broken seeing to find answers to their curse, while others say Atsrael the Iron Eye can remove the broken piece of ascendancy from the soul. No one knows if either is true.
Broken are attacked on sight. They are a kind of Ascended not protected by divine power, and thousands of years of oppression give many the ability to excuse their own bloodthirst and desire for revenge.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Broken often have twisted horns and abnormally colored skin, sharp nails, pointed tongues, and other such tells. Others appear completely normal. A Broken can always be definitively identified by the Brand, a marking suspected to be the Possessed's own mark that appears somewhere on their body.

Genetics and Reproduction

Broken are humanoids, and can breed with any of the humanoid races. The curse rarely breeds true, but instead lurks in the blood to reawaken after generations.

Growth Rate & Stages

0-10: juvenile
10-21: young
21-70: adult
70-150: aged
150+: ancient

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