Survivor Species in Tollomai | World Anvil
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Magic can tear apart, but it can also bind together. In their communes, where the survivors gather among their own kind and reveal their true face, they say the first of their kind were humans who refused to lay down and die during the Ascended War. Instead, they took on the fearsome aspects of beasts, killing the animals with their own hands and teeth, and gained the power of the animals they consumed. With magic thrumming through their bodies, they were faster, stronger, more durable, and could fight through damage that would have left lesser men cut in two. The civilized races would rather find and exterminate all of the Survivors, but their name is well won; every Great City has multiple bands of Survivors living in secret, eking out a living the same way they have since the Ascended War.
Shifters are anathema, and many races consider them to be animals to be driven from their midst and out into the wilds where they belong. Elves, orcs, and halfling are more tolerant, but even the ever smiling elves are uncomfortable seeing fine elvish features on the face of a monster.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Survivors are magically changed with features of the animal their ancestors consumed to survive. While normally magically hidden, when a Survivor calls on the power of their ancestry, these features come to the front, manifesting as great fangs, wicked claws, crushing horns, and impenetrable hide.

Genetics and Reproduction

Survivors share the genetics of their parent race, except that their blessing breeds true. A single parent is all it takes to produce more Survivors, except in rare cases.

Growth Rate & Stages

Survivors generally match the growth of their parent race, except they mature more quickly and can live up to 50% longer than average members of their parent race.

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