Orc Species in Tollomai | World Anvil
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The only race to be shorter lived than humans, orcs have had an opposite experience following the Ascended War. Because they breed much faster and, like humans, can breed true with any other humanoid race, orcs have gone from marginal tribes to the largest and most powerful race in terms of military might. What were scattered tribal units, closely monitored and culled by the Si’y, are now powerful city-states that do not bow to any of the Great Cities. Civilization has stripped orcs of their constant thirst for battle, and now some trade with the great cities or each other in the outskirts. There are more Ascended from orc stock than any other race, and the warbands often threaten even the Great Cities until an established Ascended or the Godhunter kills them.
Orcs enjoy the respect of all the races except the dwarves, for their strength is enough that few wish to offend them. Despite that, racial memory of brutish barbarians holds, and few would call an orc a true friend.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Orcs are the fastest breeding of the humanoid races and the most fertile. Pureblood orcs are often born as twins or even triplets, though this is less common in interspecies pairs. As humanoids, Orcs can breed with any humanoid. Orc blood is the most dominant humanoid genetype.

Growth Rate & Stages

0-10: Juvenile 10-16: Young 16-30: Adult 30-50: Aged 50+: Ancient

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Tusks, often filed to points or decorated with piercings, protrude from top and bottom of an orc's jaws.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Scarred, strong, muscular

Gender Ideals

Strength and perseverance


Orcs are the youngest of races, a brutish and angry group of creatures. Some say they were created by the gods as a test for Ancient Si'yla, and others that they were originally members of the more noble races who were twisted for their greed and trespass. Though these explanations are categorically false, the orc people have no explanation for their own race's birth.
As the youngest race on Tollomai, orcs first began to herd animals and farm after Ancient Si'yla had already been erected. Perhaps out of anger that a race had escaped their zeal to bring every species into their banner, Ancient Si'yla pointed to the muscular frame and sharp teeth of the orc people as evidence they were an aggressive, invasive species. Every tribe of orcs that fought back against the better equipped Si'yl coming to cull their numbers was used to reinforce this belief.
The collapse of Lost Si'yla that came from the Ascendancy War saved the orc people and nearly destroyed them. Though the culling stopped and the soldiers of Si'yla turned on each other, the earthquakes and Arcastorms that ravaged the world wiped out entire warbands. Hated and made savage to survive in a world that wanted them exterminated, orcs tore through the other mortal races and invaded their havens. Entire dwarfholds were overrun and turned into camps for the warbands to survive in. The warbands that had survived to the Ascendancy War were ruthless and strong and few of the weak bastions of mortal races hiding from the war stood a chance against armed and furious orcs.
In the time since the Ascendancy War, without the destructive attentions of Si'yla, the orc warbands have settled and begun farming and raising their own cattle, even trading with the great cities. As they grow and expand, their hatred for Ancient Si'yla does not cool and they do not forget their heritage. Where the other mortal races keep no armies, the Orc Warbands still favor strength above all. Where other races are easily subjugated by the Ascended, Orc warbands will refuse to follow or even kill one of their number if the Ascended cannot meet their demands.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Other than a racial hatred for Si'yla, the orc warbands do not generally hold a grudge against any of the mortal races. Even more surprisingly, orcs tolerate and accept even the Half-Done, so long as they are strong.
Average Height
1.8m - 2.5m
Average Weight
80kg - 150 kg

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