Halfling Species in Tollomai | World Anvil
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The small folk are a hardy race of survivors, not that their appearance would show it. In every account of the Ascended War, there are tales of heroic halflings who played pivotal roles in battles. Even the aloof dwarves recognize the prowess of a halfling when something they care for is in danger, making the smallest of the races welcome in any hall. For their part, the halfling communes are small, usually based on tomb raiding or thievery, and the lives of its members are short and brutal.   Halflings are the most outgoing of the races. Because they are nearly universally respected, they enjoy the ability to rub elbows in any company, breaking bread with equal joy in an orc home or a dwarven longhouse.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Halflings tend towards smaller families, but have comparable fertility to humans. As humanoids, halflings can breed with any other humanoid.

Growth Rate & Stages

0-12: Juvenile
12-20: Young
20-100: Adult
100-180: Aged
180+: Ancient

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Cheerful, straightforward, and energetic

Gender Ideals

Adventurous, courageous, stalwart in friendship, inquisitive


Halflings say their race began with a laugh. When the gods chuckled at the antics of one of their older races, from that first mirth, the halflings were born. Rather than argue with the others about whose race was the elder, halflings have been there since the time of Ancient Si'yla to remind the others to loosen up and laugh at themselves a little. Even more miraculous, it works.

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