Half-done Species in Tollomai | World Anvil
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There’s an old dwarf saying: “no good wall was built on half-done stone.” This might once have been a wholesome saying for doing things right the first time and building them strong. Now, most of the time it is said to refer to the half-races, interbreeding and sharing blood across the lines of race. Half-bloods never belong anywhere, shunned equally by the races of their parents. Some live in loving groups with their mixed parentage, but most are turned out to salvage their filial honor. Only the orc cities truly welcome half-blood, and half-orcs often have positions of high power, but even there the “thin blood” must work twice as hard to prove themselves as a true blood orc.
Half-done are pitied and loathed in turn, either for the misfortune of fate that led to their birth or their lack of decency in killing themselves and sparing the world from their ilk.

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