Dragonborn Species in Tollomai | World Anvil
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The Si’yl experimented on more than just machines. Through rituals and blood magic that would turn the stomach of even the most dedicated mage, they fused the lifeblood of dragon hatchlings into men. What resulted was twisted, unwholesome creatures of bipedal nature but scaled and with inner fire. They keep to themselves in small communes, avoiding strife to avoid extermination.
Dragonborn are treated with suspicion by the other races. Dragonborn may be denied service by many shopkeepers in the Inner City.

Basic Information


Though humanoid, Dragonborn resemble the dragons they were born from in many ways. Their skin is rough and scaled and their bodies mainly require meat to subsist, even consuming it raw. Dragonborn have slit eyes and forked tongues, which makes common speech difficult.

Biological Traits

Dragonborn have scaled skin and reptilian eyes, tails, claws, and vestigal wings. They are cold blooded and susceptible to heat and cold, but their reptilian biology also protects them from illness, disease, and starvation.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragonborn have exceptionally long lives and are exceptionally hardy, but that seems to have come at the cost of their ability to reproduce. Whatever methods the Si'yla had to create the Dragonborn have been lost, and no new known Dragonborn have been born in the last five thousand years.

Growth Rate & Stages

0-200: juvenile
200-1000: young
1000-10000: adult
10000+: Aged
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
2.1m - 3.0m
Average Weight
115kg - 230kg

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