Fornde Species in Tohrn | World Anvil
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Fornde leather and studded leather armor offers a +2 on athletics checks for swimming.
Pronounced Forn-day, this species of lizard is common on Tiabb, but the domesticated variety shares little in common with the feral relatives underground. Domesticated fornde are even tempered, if a little sluggish in the cooler weather, and move in packs with a dominant female leading each pack of 8-10 lizards. Their colors range from brown to gold, and the dark red underbelly denotes the males of the species. Domestic fronde are bred for their meat and leather, the former of which is an acquired taste. Armor made from their leather is especially resistant to water and provides buoyancy when swimming. Wild fornde are known to attack from concealment, usually targeting stragglers in a traveling group, whether they be humanoid or beast. Nonpoisonous, they can be dangerous in large numbers and deadly when executing a successful ambush. Their surprising lack of low-light vision makes them vulnerable at night, when they retreat into the ground's cracks and fissures they take for their dens.

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