Homes in Shonyul

In Plumtris you have no neighbours, in Fovenis you have two, and in Shonyul you have seventeen.
The city of Shonyul, capital of The Vosti Empire, is among the oldest cities on the continent, and it shows in the cramped nature of many of its houses. While the houses of nobles stretch luxuriantly over the gentle hills to overlook the city, it is far more common for residents to live in shared homes with hardly any space.

Common Features

Most houses in the city are thin, being at most two rooms wide. They are also usually many storeys tall, up to three in the more densely packed areas along the market streets. Most share direct walls with their neighbours, sometimes thin enough to have perfect conversation at a whisper, and some have been known to knock doors into the neighbouring houses to increase the room available. A single family rarely owns the whole three storeys, with the residents of upper floors getting in and out by cheap stairs in the front or back of the house.
Very few houses have large lawns, with their space often amounting to enough room to exit the front door and the stairs, and for a letterbox. Some grow plants in boxes attached to their windows to add some greenery to the city, but the general character is still grey and stony.


There are very few homes in Shonyul which do not contain shrines to The Divinities, the deities the Vosti worship. These are most often shrines to the Divinity of Justice, who is the patron of the Vosti Empire, though some will also worship Wisdom, and others still will cut out the middle-deity and go straight to praying to The Mother Herself.
If you don't have a shrine in your home, it's best not to tell others, as many see that as grounds for "punishments" ranging from verbal harassment to physical assault.
Gothic Angel by darksouls1

Cover image: Alley by tama66


Author's Notes

This article was written for the "Write about a typical house or dwelling in one of your cultures or countries" prompt for Summer Camp 2019!

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