Belgae Species in Tir-Ne-Mur | World Anvil

Belgae (Behl-gaye)

The Belgae are a diminutive winged species that inhabit the planet Baltos. Both the land and the inhabitants of Baltos are made entirely of magic. The Belgae are an immortal species whose life cycles only end when they chose to leave the world. The only natural death comes from royalty as once a new queen is born, the current queen begins a fading cycle where she and her magic will be absorbed by the new queen. This makes the matriarchal power of the species grow. The Belgae use their wings to comminicate without words, and is their comminication of coice. While they do have spoken words, and their own dialect of the common tounge, they do not use their voices on their own planet.

Basic Information


Hominid body with gossamer wings like a dragonfly. Their bodies are small, about the size of a thimble however they have magic that can alter their size with a thought. The warriors are extermely muscular as they are trained from childhood to serve. however the females are thin and waif like.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Luma queen considered the high queen of all the Belgae is a fertility goddess in the eyes of her people. Once every two hundred years, the first being on their 200th birthday, a Luma enteres a reproductive cycled known as the Needing. Her body becomes a beacon of fertility magic that spreads across the entire planet inducing reproductive activities among her people thus ensuring the species remain. this is the only time the species can reproduce. making birthdays irrelevant. The Lumma Queen will only give birth once in her life, and that offspring will be her successor. After the birth of the new queen, the previous queen begins to fade away.

Growth Rate & Stages

Like most species of the galaxy the growth cycle is very slow, beings do not reach maturity until their 200th year. It is at this stage they come into their powers. Infancy is short, lasting only 2 years. Childhood lasts about 100 years, adolescence the rest of the time, however puberty doesnt happen until their 200 th year in which they come into their powers and enter into their first reproduction ceremony.

Ecology and Habitats

The planet is covered in thick moist forests with lush grasses, and ample waters. they are one with their forests as it is an extention of their powers and connection. Also, being on the planet allows the use of the plants roots system as a means of communication across distances. it is called the Collective

Dietary Needs and Habits

The belgae live off the land. Berries and plants. they are naturally "vegan" in their diet and do not eat often. they have special classes of beings that grow the berries and plants that freely give of their fruits to the beings as payment for their care and nurturing. The plants are a part of the collective as well. The Luma will know if something threatenes the foods.

Biological Cycle

Baltos is an endless spring, nothing ever dies, and there are never any dead to bury. When a Belgae ends, they simply fade as if they never were. Their essence beings absorbed back into the planet and the collective. Ageing does not happen to this species, as they only grow from infancy into an adult with little change after ascension.


The belgae comminicate mostly through the collective and with thier wings. In their diminuative forms most life forms wouldnt be able to hear their voices as they speak in a vocal register that is beyong their ability to hear. However when they are in a morphed or larger size, they can speak the intergalactic language with ease, and their voices are like any other beings. Their wings are the most expressive parts of their body, changing with their emotions in movement, color, and level.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Can fly in any shape. Magic is inherent to the entire race but is very diverse and used as a means of class structure. Fertility magic is ruling class, Battle magic is warrior class, healing magic is courtier class, etc. all belgae have heightened senses which make them one of the most feared beings in the galaxy.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapien diptera
Magical fairy like creatures which are separated by class. Class determined by a manefestation of magic not color or creed. Can procreate with all species in the Tir-Ne_Mur
Immortal unless they fade.
Conservation Status
This species is on the only planet too small for other species to visit, which provides their protection from the other worlds. This species also holds the most feared army in all of the galaxy in the brotherhood. Warriors that are known for their fierce protection of their queen.
Average Height
in natural form between 1.85-2.81 inches. In any other form it is varried and up to the individual how they want to be perceived.
Average Weight
between .019-.025 lbs
Average Length
same as height, wing span and hight correlate
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities

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