Tir-Ne-Mur Homepage | World Anvil


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The distant galaxy Tir-Ne-Mur was created when the Celestial Goddess of Creation sacrificed her body and soul to protect her unborn child. The myth states that Kisan, the largest planet in the system and the galactic capital, was created first from the womb of the goddess. The Animiri, who inhabit the planet, are the guardians of the unborn child until a worthy vessel was born. A vessel strong enough to contain the powers of creation, and also the chthonian powers of wrath. The perfect vessel would possess the blood of the Tir-Ne-Mur in her veins. A child born of all species that represent the pieces of the goddess reunited in one body. This vessel would become the most powerful being ever to walk the universe, and would one day rise to rule the gods. The goddess' sacrifice protected the unborn child from the influence of either side, the Celestials, and the Infernals. The remaining eight planets each housed a race of beings that represented the part of the goddess they were created from. Each species had their own form of government, however galactic law was held above planetary law. In this way the galaxy evolved as its people did, and still the vessel had not been born. Those who were sworn to protect the soul of the goddess child became impatient and began to shirk their duty to the goddess' decree. Thus putting into motion the fate of the entire galaxy as Kisan began to crumble from within.