Elizabeth Lovell Character in Timmy | World Anvil
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Elizabeth Lovell

High Commissioner Elizabeth Lovell

"There's nothing lovely about commissioner Lovell."   That is how most citizens Signet describe the high commissioner, but always in a low voice after looking over their shoulder. Elizabeth was born into nobility, and from ayoung age showed magical talent. From the age of 5 she was tutored in sorcery to improve and refine her abilities, and at 17 she joined the royal guard as a battlemage. Rising quickly through the ranks she built a reputation of someone that was not to be fucked with. She has been the high commissioner of Signet for 12 years, and at the age of only thirty she earned her nickname of the crimson commissioner when she singlehandedly slaughtered over a hundred men during a failed attack on the city. This event later became known as the crimson dawn.   As high commissioner Elizabeth is harsh but fair. Contrary to the public opinion of her she is no monster, and she works incredibly hard to keep Signet prosperous and peaceful. A military woman through and through, Elizabeth follows procedure to the letter, even when she is unhappy about it. She is however naive, and her primary failing as high commissioner is that she expects her subordinates to follow the same laws and procedures that does. Corruption and personal interest plague her council of appointed officers, which has negatively effected her reputation amongst the people.
Dark orange
Tight black plait
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Crimson red
Ruled Locations

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