Westaria Geographic Location in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Nestled within the rugged embrace of towering fjords and frozen tundras, Westaria stands as a warrior society, its essence forged by the relentless spirit of its people. Governed by the formidable King Sigmund Gerison, Westarians uphold a warrior code that venerates virtues of honor, loyalty, and courage. In the jagged landscape, mighty clans clash in epic battles, each vying for supremacy, while the grand sagas recount the exploits of heroes who have earned their place in the annals of Westarian history.   Seafaring is more than a skill; it is a way of life. Westarians, with their longships cutting through icy waters, explore distant realms, engage in trade, and undertake daring raids. In this land where Finir, Tidall and Zera revered for their connection to the sea, war, and wisdom, the frozen fortresses along the fjords stand testament to a society shaped by the unforgiving elements, reflecting the indomitable spirit of those who call Westaria home.  

Brekkur – capital of Westaria

  King Sigmund Gerison   Followers of Finir  


  Jarl Valdis   Followers of Finir  


  Jarl Ulfrik   Followers of Finir  


  Skœdir Brandsson  


  Bruni Grimsson  
Ustya, Westaria and Stoze
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