Dreadstone Building / Landmark in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Purpose / Function

Dreadstone serves a dual purpose as both a defensive outpost and a prison of last resort. The most dangerous and irredeemable criminals from across Stoze are incarcerated within its walls. These prisoners are not only isolated from society but are also compelled to contribute through forced labor, mining the magical resources hidden beneath the prison. The mystical ores and artifacts unearthed are vital to the magical infrastructure and advancements of the nation.   The laborious work performed by the prisoners is a form of penance and a means for the nation to extract valuable resources. The prison's coastal location ensures the isolation of the prisoners and adds an additional layer of security, making escape nearly impossible. Dreadstone's formidable defenses, both magical and mundane, further solidify its role as a bastion against external threats and a formidable deterrent for potential wrongdoers.


The fortress is surrounded by towering, thick stone walls that are resistant to both physical and magical assaults. These walls act as the first line of defense, discouraging any attempts at breaching Dreadstone. Enchanted wards and barriers, maintained by skilled mages, form a protective layer around the fortress. These magical defenses not only shield Dreadstone from magical attacks but also serve as a deterrent against any attempts at magical intrusion or escape.   Massive stone golems, magically animated and imbued with defensive capabilities, patrol the exterior and interior of the fortress. These golems serve as formidable guardians, capable of dealing with physical threats and maintaining order within the prison. Animated constructs equipped with surveillance enchantments patrol the walls and key points of Dreadstone. These constructs provide constant vigilance, detecting any potential threats and alerting the guards to take appropriate action. A network of secure underground tunnels connects key areas of the fortress. These tunnels allow for swift and discreet movement of guards and reinforcements, ensuring that the defense can adapt to evolving situations.   Strategically placed guard towers equipped with archers and mages provide elevated vantage points for the defenders. These towers allow for a wide field of vision, enhancing the ability to detect and repel potential threats from a distance. Within the prison section of Dreadstone, cells are constructed with anti-magic properties, preventing prisoners from using magical abilities to escape. These cells are carefully monitored to ensure the containment of powerful individuals. Magical alarms, are scattered throughout the fortress. When triggered, these alarms emit a distinctive sound, alerting the guards to potential breaches or disturbances.


Dreadstone, a coastal fortress standing as a sentinel off the coast of Murdershold, has a history steeped in conflict, the aftermath of the cataclysmic Realmswar, and the eldritch legacy of ancient lands. Founded in the aftermath of the war that reshaped the realms, Dreadstone was established by Queen Vanessa Ravenswood VI as a strategic defensive outpost and a penitentiary for the most notorious criminals within Stoze.   The fortress was constructed upon lands that once belonged to the ancient elves, a civilization that endured through millennia. However, in the wake of the Realmswar, the balance of power shifted, and Queen Vanessa Ravenswood VI claimed the elven territories to establish Dreadstone. The haunting remnants of elven architecture blend with the imposing structure of the fortress, creating a solemn reminder of the cost of the cataclysmic conflict.
Founding Date
29 RE
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by AI generated using Nightcafe


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