Inuvaanah Savannah Geographic Location in Tilandrial | World Anvil
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Inuvaanah Savannah

The large savannah on Meridianus.


It is a vast expanse of tall yellow grass, broken up intermittently by groves of trees and small lakes. Directly in the center of the savannah is a large lake known as Lake Rijanaallio, the largest lake on all of Meridianus   The Inuvaanah Savannah is a vast expanse of tall yellow grass, broken intermittently by groves of trees and small lakes. The weather here is one of seasonal monsoons, meaning that for half of the year there is little to no rain, and for the other half of the year there is almost constant rain. In the north half of the savannah, the temperature remains at a faily constant temperature, fluxuating between vary warm to really hot. In the southern half of the savannah the temperature can get fairly cold, but never cold enough to snow. Tribes of humans dot the landscape, never staying in one place for very long. The southern half of the savannah also has a large quantity of rivers, and here are permanent villages of humans.

Ecosystem Cycles

The weather can be described as having two seasons: wet and dry. During half the year, heavy rains are frequent and plant life flourishes. The other half of the year is very dry and hardly any rain falls. Rivers shrink and smaller bodies of water dry up.

Fauna & Flora



  • Acacia
  • Baobob
  • Marula: the fruit of this tree makes a very strong liquor
  • Yellowgrass: the main plant of the Inuvaanah Savannah; green during the rainy part of the year and yellow during the dryer parts of the year; can grow over six feet tall


  • Ankylosaurus: Heavily armored dinosaurs with a large club on the end of their tail. They are found in small family groups that dot the savannah. It is known to avoid them if possible as they are very ornery creatures
  • Cheetahs: often used as hunting partners by many of the tribes that dot the savannah
  • Elephants
  • Giraffes: a tribe of humans in the heart of the savannah have successfully domesticated them, but for the most part they are left alone by the rest of the sentient species of the savannah
  • Lions
  • Ostrich
  • Rhinoceros
  • Vultures
  • Zebras: tribes in the more northern half of the savannah have successfully domesticated them

Natural Resources

Yellowgrass is harvested not long after turning a pale yellow and used as hay for any domesticated herbavores of the tribes. Domesticated zebras are occationally exported to rich people wanting an exotic pet, but at a steep cost.
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Cover image: by Pexels


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