The Undead Species in Tienthylandria | World Anvil

The Undead

A summary of how the undead work in Tiethylandria.

The undead are what happens when the dead do not move on, or their remains are reanimated, repurposed, or repossessed. Some architypes exist with one foot in both the realm of the living and the realm of the dead. Others are living dead, cursed beings of pure evil or unimaginable tragedy. This article will clarify the basic “rules” for how the undead exist and in and interact with the Realm. For specific information about a particular architype, please refer to their individual articles.  


Undead are created through necromancy. While primarily this is magecraft, naturally occurring necro energy events have been recorded. Other non-magical natural means (viral, fungal, mutation) are also possible, though rare in Tienthylandria. Those architypes that do perpetuate themselves typically do so through the transmission of a curse that inevitably turns its victim into whatever species that infected it.  

The Living Dead

There are a handful of undead species that are technically still alive. These creatures are so corrupted by necro energy that they have the strengths and weaknesses of the undead, but without having to sacrifice their intellect. The Living Dead may be affected by spells and abilities that target the living, dead, and undead.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Silver Allergy

All undead have a weakness to silver. Whenever a silver weapon deals damage to an undead, it always counts as fire damage in addition to its other damage types.  


All undead have a weakness to the divine. Holy and light magic will always affect the undead, regardless of any protections or restrictions.

Ecology and Habitats

The undead are present across the Realm, in every region and every biome.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Undead have no intellect of their own. They are immune to mind damage. Spells and abilities that affect their mind score, or involve a mind check, immediately fail when they target an undead.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Monster, Undead
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Articles under The Undead


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