Egyptian Gods

The Egyptian Pantheon

    These gods are a young dynasty of an ancient divine Family, heirs to the rulership of the cosmos and the maintenance of the divine principle of Ma’at—the fundamental order of truth, justice, law, and order that puts gods, mortal pharaohs, and ordinary men and women in their logical and rightful place in the universe.   The Egyptian Pantheon is unusual in having three gods responsible for death, each with different alignments. Anubis is the lawful neutral god of the afterlife, who judges the souls of the dead. Set is a chaotic evil god of Murder, perhaps best known for killing his brother Osiris. And Nephthys is a chaotic good goddess of mourning.       Egyptian Deities Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Symbol Re-­Horakhty, god of the sun, ruler of the gods LG Life, Light Solar disk encircled by serpent Anubis, god of judgment and death LN Death Black Jackal Apep, god of evil, fire, and serpents NE Trickery Flaming snake Bast, goddess of cats and vengeance CG War Cat Bes, god of luck and music CN Trickery Image of the misshapen deity Hathor, goddess of love, music, and motherhood NG Life, Light Horned cow’s head with lunar disk Imhotep, god of crafts and Medicine NG Knowledge Step pyramid Isis, goddess of fertility and magic NG Knowledge, Life Ankh and star Nephthys, goddess of death and grief CG Death Horns around a lunar disk Osiris, god of Nature and The Underworld LG Life, Nature Crook and flail Ptah, god of crafts, knowledge, and Secrets LN Knowledge Bull Set, god of Darkness and Desert storms CE Death, Tempest, Trickery Coiled cobra Sobek, god of water and crocodiles LE Nature, Tempest Crocodile head with horns and plumes Thoth, god of knowledge and Wisdom N Knowledge Ibis
Religious, Pantheon
Notable Members

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