The Silver Hoof Livery and Stables Building / Landmark in Thornhollow | World Anvil
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The Silver Hoof Livery and Stables

The Silver Hoof Livery and Stables is a large, well-maintained wooden building located on the outskirts of Thornhollow. The stables are made of rough-hewn pine beams and boards, with a large, sloping roof of red metal shingles. The front of the building is dominated by a wide, wooden porch that runs the length of the building, and is supported by sturdy wooden columns. Above the porch hangs a large wooden sign, painted in silver and bearing the image of a horse's hoof.

Inside, the stables are clean and well-ventilated, with rows of stalls running down both sides of the main aisle. The stalls are made of pine boards and have sliding wooden doors. Each stall is clean, well-bedded, and has a manger filled with fresh hay, and a water trough. The smell of hay and horseflesh is always present in the air, and the sound of horses, neighing or shuffling is always heard.   The back of the stables houses the tack room, which is filled with various saddles, bridles, and other horse-riding equipment, as well as a large, stone-lined forge where Charlie works on the horse's shoes.   The Silver Hoof is a bustling and busy place, with horses being groomed, fed, and exercised. It's not uncommon to see Charlie, the owner, walking around the stables, talking to his horses, grooming or leading them around. He is always happy to give tours of the stables and introduce visitors to the horses in his care.   The Silver Hoof is a place where the local ranches, farmers and travelers leave their horses and other mounts, which are well-fed and groomed, and also Charlie is always happy to help with any needs the horses might have, from a simple shoeing to a more serious ailment.   It's a place of care, love and respect for animals, and it's known as the best livery and stables in Thornhollow.
Owning Organization


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