Småfolk Ethnicity in Tholenheim | World Anvil
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The Halflings of Jardersfell

The halflings that live on the Islands of Jardersfell are called the Småfolk. The history of how they got to the islands is lost to time, but they have lived many of the islands for as long as the humans of Jardersfell can remember. There are two distinct varieties of Småfolk: the jordfolk and vagnfolk. The jordfolk primarily live in the areas that consist of flat grasslands or river valleys where they live in small town and villagers and farm and raise livestock. The vagnfolk primarily live on the coasts of the many islands of Jardersfell working as fisherman and sailors. All Småfolk can be found in the larger towns and cities working in taverns as cooks and brewers. Both varieties can also be found in living on the edges or in the forests where they work as hunters and foragers.


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