The Demonweb Geographic Location in Thoia | World Anvil

The Demonweb

The Demonweb Pits, also known as Lolth's Web, was originally the 66th layer of the Abyss.   The realm was ruled over by Lolth, the primary drow deity, who resided in a huge iron fortress that moved under its mistress's will on spider-like legs. Her deific consort Selvetarm lived with her there until he fell before a wielder of the Crescent Blade. After that, for a century, every creature who resided in the Demonweb Pits answered solely to Lolth. In the 1480s DR Selvetarm returned to life and to his domain.   Old Demonweb Pits:
When Quenthel Baenre and her companions visited the Demonweb Pits in the Abyss during the Silence of Lolth in the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, they found the realm unusually empty of souls. The realm consisted of black emptiness with an acrid smell and giant spider web. It was very hot there. The Pits were covered in corpses of monsters and demons lying dead and dying, particularly goristros. Lolth dwelt in a black temple suspended in the web. Her stone face covered the entrance.   When Quenthel's expedition returned to the same location in the Year of Rogue Dragons, 1373 DR, they found the Demonweb Pits abandoned and in ruins. A gate guarded by abyssal widows led to the new Demonweb Pits.   New Demonweb Pits:
The new Demonweb Pits was a plane of rocks with chasms and rocky gorges. There were many pits and craters. The land looked dead. There were giant petrified spiders with webbing over everything from the songspiders. There was a distant red sun during the day and eight bright red stars at night.   There was a river of souls flowing to Lolth's city, an iron citadel in the Infinite Web. Lolth stood atop a dais in a temple on a pyramid with webs on the walls.   There were a number of geographical features on the plane, including the Plains of Soulfire and the Pass of the Soulreaver at the base of the Mountain of Eyes.   The plane was inhabited by spiders (including songspiders) and chwidencha. The Soulreaver dwelt in the Pass of the Soulreaver and was a grey spectral form, with a bloated serpentine body containing screaming drow souls.   Inhabitants:
Spiders, yochlol, abyssal widows, chwidencha, petitioners   (
Alternative Name(s)
66th Layer
Dimensional plane
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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