Aeros Geographic Location in Thoia | World Anvil

Aeros (ay ros)

This continent is a cluster of floating islands that are affected by the air plane and ruled by the Court of Air.   This includes the following countries:
Afrax- Aarakocra Country
Froja- Fairy Country
Heglea- Hadozee Country
Osmana- Owlin Country


The Aarakocra country is floating islands covered in mountains and/or thick forests.   The Fairy country looks very much like the Feywild on floating islands. Eg wild forests that are unkept, mushroom forests, swamps ect.   The Hadozee country is floating steampunk meets forest.   The Owlin country is floating islands that are maily farmlands and grasslands with beautiful flower meadows.

Localized Phenomena

The elemental plane of air effects this continent.
Alternative Name(s)
Land of Air
Island, Floating
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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