Trevan Alliance Organization in THF Universe | World Anvil

Trevan Alliance

The Star Nation of the Hyperion Federation representing the Trevan species.   The trevans, after obtaining easy space travel,  made contact  with many races before finding the HF. During wars with them, the trevans would typically equip their weapons with large, area based radiation weapons. As trevians themselves are highly resistant to radiation, the doctrine worked more in their favour apart from the civilian casualties it caused them. This use of nuclear weaponry meant that the rest of their galaxy was constantly complaining and sanctioning about the unnessessary use of nuclear weapons.    The trevans also have 4 arms, meaning they could hold and use 2 rifles simultaneously. This made them relatively inaccurate, but largely increased sheer volume of fire. The rest of the galaxy tried to get this banned as well.    The trevan species also celebrates 2 different holidays. One of them is nuclear war day, where they remember their horrible past and try not to cause a repeat. The other holiday is commemerating the day when space travel became easy.   The 4 armed nature of trevans has impact on their culture. As they can multitask a bit better than other sentient species, their expectations of other trevan have become slightly higher.
Geopolitical, Country
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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