The Lanterns of Tebburus Physical / Metaphysical Law in THF Universe | World Anvil

The Lanterns of Tebburus

A visually stunning light phenomenon that occurs under Volcano Island, in the Newingwich Abyss. This is on planet Tebburus. The Lanterns of Tebburus is where, on one day every year, the entire cave system is lit up by crystals emitting light. As the crystals are heated to immense temperatures from the magma deep in the crust, they emit all colours of light based on their composition. This often lneads to entire caves being lit up with rainbow lights that can sometimes pulsate. As the caves are filled with bioluminescent life on top of that, they too react to the crystals. They can change colour with the crystals in some areas.   This phenomenon is a well known tourist attraction for the planet, despite the megafauna life. It has been recorded many times; millions of videos are publically available on the Grand Archive. For the Suons living there, they too might join the rest of the bioluminescent life, temporaily becomming rainbow coloured themselves.


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