Star Attunements Tradition / Ritual in THF Universe | World Anvil

Star Attunements

Tradition carried out by almost all cultures of Suons.   Star attunements are extremely common to the point where almost every suon in history had one. Shortly after birth, a person's parent would look at the night sky and chose one of the stars that are visible. They would then conduct a ritual involving the newborn baby and getting several family members together. It was believed that attuning the soul of the baby to the star like this would bring them fortune and luck. Despite modern science disproving this belief, the tradition of star attunements are still carried out anyway. Partly because of this tradition, the suon species have developed a highly curious way of thinking, and they feel highly attached to the stars.   In most cultures, it begins with one person trying to study the stars. Due to the lack of technology of these times, and the bioluminescent properties of their species, it was initially thought that the stars were the souls of their long dead ancestors. Interestingly, most cultures developed this tradition themselves. This was no coincidence, as the suon love for stars is embedded in their psychology.   This was an influence that the Pyre of Stars, the precursor machine that engineered the suon race, made on their species. It gave them aspiration and a sense of comfort no matter their location in the world. Even after they found this out, they still felt like they were 'guided by the stars themselves'. In suon society, not having a star attunement is like having no aspiration, no curiosity and no guidance.   On some rare occasions, a suon may desire to visit their attuned star and view it from close.


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