Porlai Myth in THF Universe | World Anvil


The god of the sky according to Maurayan mythology. Porlai created the sky to keep the heavens hidden from the mortals. He did this shortly after the world was made. After the sky was made, all the plant and animal life was made and then the people inhabiting the world. Porlai acts as a bridge from the mortal world to the afterlife. Although the god of death, Zernagek, manages the afterlife itself, Porlai acts as a physical barrier between the 2. Furthermore, Porlai also acts as the god of day, night and light. Believers think that the sun is Porlai, shining light down onto the planet below. Porlai advances across the sky before reaching the horizon and retreating. It is thought that the sky is thinner and weaker at night because Porlai is not nearby. The stars are all the various different heavens that one could be sent to for the afterlife.   However, like all Maurayan gods, Porlai does not really exist. To the natives, the Hyperion Federation would hvae its entire population in heaven. This is more than slightly contradictory to the myth, though the Maurayans do not know the HF exists.


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