Jelakinat Species in THF Universe | World Anvil


A species of carnivorous plants native to Tebburus. Jelakinat are large holes in the ground, the stomach of the creature. At the top, its mouth looks like stable ground. It grabs anything on top with a tentacle, dragging it underground only to digest it. Suons of tebburus must be careful when navigating to avoid these, particularly in more Bush -  dense zones.  There could be one anywhere. The plants reproduce by spreading large seeds all over the world, scattering the seeds in the wind and sending them very large distances. Initially after being planted it relies on insects for sustenance and as it grows larger becomes capable of eating larger creatures.  They are, like most plants, weak to fire. Jelakinat can be burned down, this requires specialized equipment to do safy. One sign of the plant being nearby is that it excretes waste to the surface. Other plants use this, so the piles dont get extremely large.  Due to being a plant, it does not need much food to survive. It is static, and so does not use much energy. Ironically, parts of these plants are consumed in many suon culture. It is very dangerous to farm, but the leaves are, in fact, considered a delicacy.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

They start off very small, only capable of eating insects. After about 40 years they grow to full size. They never grow bigger than having a mouth trapdoor diameter of ~1m.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Touch and sound sensory
Geographic Distribution


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