HEX Pox Condition in THF Universe | World Anvil


The HEX Mainframe sometimes attempts to assimilate people that aren't even close to the Mainframe. They would deploy these robots into the persons body which attempt to connect them to the HM gestalt. All biological species are effected. The nanobots burn biomass very slowly for energy.

Transmission & Vectors

It can be deployed to a new world via cloaked HM ship orbiting a populated planet or other concentration of people. The nanobots will not survive a fall from orbit, so a small pod carrying a small legged robot is sent down. The robot has a special, silent gun that doesn't harm whoever is hit, but introduces the HEX Pox to their body. This whole thing relies on stealth.   Once they grow to a certain population within a single hosts body, they will cease self replication to preserve its secrecy, find its respiratory system and infect someone else via their own respiratory system.   This operation continues until the target faction finds out. When they do, it makes itself more obvious and increase its self replication protocol, attempting to infect the rest of the population.   If the entire population becomes infected, they stop leaving their respective hosts bodies and then connect them to the gestalt simultaneosly.


There are few symptoms until the later stages. A few cells may be missing from their bodies as they were destroyed by the nanobots for fuel.


Heavy EMP. The nanobots are EMP resistant (but not immune). However, such intense EMP is likely to disrupt the hosts nervous system. The intensity must be calibrated very well. Other than that, the target faction can also use their own replicator or weaponized nanobots and attempt to dismantle the HM bots.
Nanite / Mechanical


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