FTL Spell Spell in THF Universe | World Anvil

FTL Spell

An extremely large and mana intensive spell that can cause objects to travel at superluminal velocity.   The FTL spell has never been used in the main timeline because the various cultures of Mauray have never visited space. However, it is vital to any magic society attempting to establish a large interstellar civilization.   The FTL spell is immensely costly to cast. It requires a very large amount of most elements of mana that exist. It requires all tier 1 elements and almost all tier 2 elements. Such a massive amount of mana can only be obtained through use of magitech. Even in that case, the FTL drive is an extremely large and complex device that stops functioning if even one component is slightly scratched. Due to this, it can be less reliable than a regular FTL drive, built to operate with more concrete laws of physics.   The FTL spell has its advantages over technology FTL however. It requires very little mechanical energy as opposed to a very large amount. This allows the ship to warp very often assuming it can gain enough mana.   The spell actually comes in 2 parts, one is to locate the area of effect and all intended target atoms to be warped. During this process, the entire ship is covered in magic energy that can be seen by most species and felt by anyone on board. This oepration is, of course, highly energy and time intensive. The 2nd part of the spell is where it causes the ship to undergo FTL itself. This is far more mana intensive but less time intensive as the ship can accelerate to extremely large velocities in a short time.


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