Aswiese Ethnicity in THF Universe | World Anvil


An ethnicity of Suons from the continent of Aswium on planet Tebburus.   Aswiesians have been geologically cut off from the rest of the world until the invention of the boat with the exception of the Kinilet Hollows, a massive cave system under their continent.   As such, Aswiesians have a culture that is perhaps a bit more isolationist than other suon cultures. They set up a significant navy and many turrets on their beaches to defend their homeland, but this did not stop the Ooblarans from forcefully taking all they own.   Despite this, the Aswiesians have formed a surprisingly close relationship with the people of the Kinilet Hollows. When Aspeuze came under attack, many Aspeuzan people sought refuge in the Kinilet cave system. Unfortunately, the Ooblaran nation would later invade that too. These people were captured or killed, having nowhere else to run. The Kinilet people defended their cave system exceltionally well and inflicted a lot of casulties onto thte invaders.   Because of the hospitality of the Kinillians, the Aswiese culture came to deeply respect them after Tastein sucessfully liberated the area. Under their new rulers, both nations were free to enjoy their own cultures and make their own laws as long as it didnt interfere negatively with the Tastein invasion of Ooblar.
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