Intuitive Combat Spell in These, Our Broken Roads | World Anvil

Intuitive Combat

This psionic power puts the user in a Zen-like state of awareness. They seem to be one with their body and weapon, quickly and efficiently reacting with amazing reflex action, balance and grace. The psionist cannot use any other ability while this is in use.   There are different psionic sources that the psionicist could draw from, depending on how they use this power and if they know how to draw from these different sources. All of them are called Intuitive Combat.   The first form draws from either Bio-psychognosis (ΨΓβ), Bio-psychokinesis (ΨΚβ), or Xeno-biopsionics (ΨΞβ). The most common form is Bio-psychokinesis (ΨΚβ) in which the psionicist's actions flow with little cognitive awareness. Those who prefer martial arts use this source.   However, those who take the approach of tapping into the gnostic and xenospheric sources can be used. An example of using Intuitive Combat drawn from bio-psychognosis would be a literal game of high-stakes chess. Those that might find themselves on an astral or dream plane, or in combat with an ectospheric entity, like a poltergeists, might draw from xeno-biopsionics instead, especially when the laws of physics don't always hold. These two other forms are much more rare, but all are combat-focused.
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Bio-psychokinesis (ΨΚβ) primarily, but also either Bio-psychognosis (ΨΓβ) or Xeno-biopsionics (ΨΞβ)

Cover image: These, Our Broken Roads


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