Dakra Isles Geographic Location in Theros Homebrew Campaign | World Anvil
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Dakra Isles

The Dakra Isles were created when Thassa wept over the death of Korinna, a triton queen killed by a human’s harpoon. Where the god’s tears fell onto the sea there exploded forth an isle suffused with immortal magic and memory. Ages later, the Dakra Isles—also called the Isles of Enchantment—harbor strange sights and fierce monsters. Thassa’s power makes it impossible to keep an accurate chart of the islands’ positions, which roam as they please. Thus, even the most famed locations appear on no map, and sailors might spot them when or wherever Thassa wills. A few of the Dakra Isles’ legendary locations are noted here, and chapter 4 presents guidance for creating more magical shores.


Tales tell of the lost island of Arixmethes, whose population was wiped out by disaster. In truth, generations of hapless humans raised their city, realizing too late that they’d done so upon the back of a titanic kraken. When the kraken Arixmethes awakened, its throes devastated the city upon its back and wiped out the residents. Since returning to its slumber, Arixmethes drifts where it will, still bearing the ruins of a legendary city upon its back.

Cronemouth Cove

This tiny island lies in the midst of perpetual doldrums and holds a known gate to the Underworld. It is guarded by a coven of sea hags who share a single tongue that is perpetually trying to escape from their clutches, wriggling out of reach with a mind of its own.


Famed for its role in The Callapheia, the island of Ketaphos supposedly exists in Nyx during the night and in the mortal realm during the day. Callaphe and her crew were welcomed there and fed by a band of Nyxborn centaurs when a storm drove them to the island, then found themselves stranded on a barren rock when the sun rose and the island shifted to the mortal realm.


The island of Skathos was once a sacred meeting place for a secret cult of Pharika whose rites revolved around consuming a magical flower native to the island. The island is now home to the medusa queen, Hythonia (described in chapter 6).

Unknown Shores

The Siren Sea is dotted with mysterious islands that are home to strange creatures, mysterious hermits, odd phenomena, and ancient ruins. These islands make fantastic adventure locations for characters exploring uncharted oceans or those simply trying to get home. While any island might present the opportunity to rest, weather storms, restock, and explore, the islands of Theros might also be worlds unto themselves, where unlikely beings hold dominion or the gods have crafted a realm to their specific whims. Such mystical islands aren’t just stops on an ocean journey; they’re unique lands touched by the magic of the gods.   A mystical island could be the ultimate destination of a nautical adventure, or a magical interlude amid a larger seafaring campaign. When creating a mystical island, consider how its environment and inhabitants contribute to making it feel like a world unto itself. Also, consider how the laws of nature and the gods might operate differently on the island, giving rise to all manner of magical properties.

Island Environments

While a mystical island could be a simple spur of rock and sand jutting from the ocean depths, there’s the potential to make it much more. When considering the very foundations of an island, consider what the gods might have set adrift, what might have fallen from Nyx, or what might have floated upon the seas for centuries. The Mystical Island Environments table suggests some possibilities for the sorts of unusual islands that might be floating in the Siren Sea.

Island Magical Properties

Beyond unusual physical compositions and strange inhabitants, mystical islands might have magical properties. Effects include persistent weather, a unique law of physics, a curse that affects visitors, or something stranger. When determining what magical properties affect a mystical island, consider using any of the magical effects here, either as presented or as inspiration for magical properties of your own design.   Bliss Island. Those who visit the island risk being enchanted so they never want to leave. At the end of each long rest it takes on this island, a visitor must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or be unwilling to leave the island before finishing another long rest. After failing this saving throw three times, the creature never willingly leaves the island and, if forcibly removed, does everything in its power to return. A dispel evil and good spell removes this effect from the creature.   Swine Island. Visitors to this island risk being afflicted by the Curse of the Swine. At the end of each long rest it takes on this island, a visitor must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or be affected by the polymorph spell and transformed into a pig (use the boar stat block). The curse lasts until the visitor leaves the isle or until it is broken by a spell such as "remove curse."   Timeless Island. When characters leave the island after spending at least 1 day there, they might find that time has passed differently for the outside world. Use the Feywild Time Warp table in chapter 2 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide to determine how much time has passed.   Wild Magic Island. Whenever a spell is cast on the island, the caster must roll on the Wild Magic Surge table from chapter 3 of the Player’s Handbook.
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