Fairy Ethnicity in Thera | World Anvil


The ever youthful envy inspiring Fairies. So much magic in the hands of at first glance seems to be teenagers. Approaching one of them with that thought could possible leave you walking away with your world turned upside down. Literally. They can do that. They do age however the only way you can tell is by the color of their wings. The older they the whiter they are. The younger ones possess a vibrant abundance of color. They’ve hidden their home away from public view thanks to the attack from the hob-goblins years ago. Though they are always hanging around the cities to be invited into their own is a great accomplishment meaning they trust you with their lives. I cannot say how I arrived there but to look inside is an amazing view. Wonderful flowers, and wind-chime trees. Fields under waterfalls and anything else I might give away might tell too much. It’s a sight to behold. They also have no clear leader they have “feelings” which advise them. All of them at the same time share a feeling about any potential disasters. If they were able to capitalize more on this it would benefit them greatly. As one of the better overall looking races and one of the most adept at magic. People usually admire or are extremely jealous of them. They have great relations with the nymphs, often accompanying them whenever they venture out because of the nymphs reclusive nature. They also are called upon whenever someone needs something magically constructed. The hob-goblins usually don’t help much, other races are capable of helping but the Fae just have that spark. They tend to stay away from the satyrs because of their friendship with nymphs. The Fae do not believe in any kind of higher power. They find the concept quite funny actually. They believe they are tied to nature. And this is what keeps them looking young and gives them their magical abilities. They dress like, well exactly what they look like teenagers. Whatever fashion that is popular or in style is usually what you will catch them wearing which probably only cultivates the strong feelings people harbor towards them. - Lyra Humford, Guild of Momentum.


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