Drusad Settlement in Thera | World Anvil


Snaking past the rocky crevices above Ricards hill, down the stream flowing from the peaks of the Barback mountains where beavers bathe under starlight, fruit trees dotting the landscape giving the air a fresh scent as birds make their homes in its branches, a place where natural beauty is ever present. This wonderful sight comes to such a screeching halt when contrasted with the gates of its new inhabitants, Drusad.



Drusad is run by the heads of 3 orders. Who can act independently but never against each other, even if violence is used against another group. If the head of the order provides proof of a plan that deemed the sacrificial move beneficial overall to the Drusaderi, it would be accepted.

  The trinity consists of the Order of the Crimson Cull, who were feared most of all by their enemies, as it was them who resurrected the dead heroes of the enemy to join their ranks against them. The second was the order of The Bone Quill, the spies and money men, they are the ones who find and fund the desecration of crypts and graves around Thera. Many gravekeeper's pockets are filled with Drusaderi gold. The last is the is the least selected, but most needed. The Ethereal Vanguard, the inventors, creators, theorists and boundary pushing order that creates the new spells, enchantments and potions to keep their enemies second guessing.


  1. The Cullers Quarter
Where the Order of the Crimson Cull complete their work, their section is the largest of the three due to the varying size requirements of their subjects. They entire district is enchanted just to keep the smell of blood out of the other districts, even the most veteran Red Robes have to take a break sometimes for some much needed fresh air. Their Hoard Master, is usually ensuring the development of their newest recruits suits their needs.
  2. Quill Quarter   The busiest of the of three, where attendants and staff are constantly running back and forth, delivering messages and sending them off. Packages being shipped and bodies being received. The heads of the network are constantly buried in information trying to sort through legal and illegal ways to get new subjects, which heroic ballads are false and what names to add to their updated volume of A Heroes End.
  3. Ethereal Quarter   The vanguard has to be selective when allowing in new recruits. The other orders just need violence, obedience, or quickness. The vanguard needs patience, dedication and sacrifice. Creation does not come easy, and does not come at all to those without determination. It is here where Silmay Windfire cut her teeth on the magical theory and experimentation needed to push her name into legend. It is they who created the sanguiency spell, and is they who will create more. They do not get the adoration of the Red Mages, but every Drusaderi life who is spared from fighting due to their creations, is all the thanks they need.
Alternative Name(s)
The Dead Vale
Large city