Boreme Settlement in Théorès | World Anvil
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From the start of the Theores colinisation to the actual peak of the times, the city of splendors, of hope and the Prince was the first city built on the new territory. Located on the most east side of the Savage Lands, on the Ravaged Coast, Boreme was founded by Captain Amadeus Thorne and his council after the arrival on land. They plante a flag on the new land, problaming the land as their own.   They named the city by the name of the ship that survived the dangerous road in the Diamond Reefs, La Boreme. They began the construction with the ressources they found in the wood close and with the expertise of multiple surviving architects and experts.
Nom(s) Aternatif(s)
Holy City, La Boreme, The First City
93 881
Lieu situé sous
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