Keda Callahan Character in Theliecre | World Anvil
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Keda Callahan

Keda is one of the main characters of Map of the Woods. She is Étoile's equivalent equal and her title is The Explorer.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Buzzing with energy most times, but not facially expressive. Speaks more with actions than words. Likes big clothes and is moderately athletic.

Identifying Characteristics

Keda wears a mask she made with Makara at almost all times as well as a short wig. Her mask is white with holes for eyes, two blue cheeks, a small mouth, a dark blue horn on the right side, and a light blue nose as well as a and a black strap to tie it around her head.   Since her head is a mannequin head with few features, these additions help Keda feel like she fits in with her friends, as some described Keda's face as uncanny or eerie when she was younger. However, when she's more comfortable with people, she may take off her mask.

Special abilities

Keda's abilities grow throughout the story. She's good at making symbols, and most of hers cater towards wind or boost magic. Her boost magic helps Étoile and her wind magic helps get her or others out of tricky exploring situations, such as getting caught between vines. Overall, Keda uses her magic to help others, partially as a way of seeking their approval, but uses magic more for herself over time.
About 13 years old.
Current Residence
A foster house in Nueven.
Aligned Organization

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