Equivalent Species in Theliecre | World Anvil
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Equivalents are a prominent species in the world of Map of the Woods. They are created through the Equivalent Phenomena.

Civilization and Culture


Equivalents have been around for about 100 years; nobody really knows the first date or first equivalent to be created. However, since the Equivalent Phenomena's start, equivalents are created following a human baby's birth as a means of storing their excess magic energy.    Similarly stated in the Equivalent Phenomena page, equivalents begin as a vessel item--usually around the size of a human head. The object can be manmade, like a magnifying glass, natural, like a plant, or supernatural, like a group of floating eyes. Supernatural objects tend to connect to other objects somewhat like a hologram before the equivalent takes form. As the human child grows, so does the object, eventually forming a humanoid body which mirrors its equal. By the time the equals are adults, they look very different from one another--total independence of appearance usually occurs at around 20 years old.   Beyond the vessel item stage, equivalents are roughly humanoid with nonhuman heads that float or rest above the neck area. Some have faces while others do not, but equivalents can still eat and breathe regardless--the energy of food is absorbed and used from there. Equivalents are more aligned with magic energy than physicality, especially in the early years. This results in young equivalent children seeming almost amorphous and disconnected from the world until they grow more. By about 10 to 15 years old, the children become more firm in their identities and appearances.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Many equivalents view their human equals as siblings. Equals of human parents are aunts and uncles and so on. While relationships can vary between families, some humans dislike more uncanny equivalents because of their heads, and humans entering romantic relationships with another human's equivalent is a relatively new concept.    Equivalents are commonly thought as naturally adept to magic skills due to their creation--in reality, abilities and proficiency vary from person to person.

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