Makara Endith Character in A World of Shade and Sunshine | World Anvil
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Makara Endith

Makara Endith is a character in Map of the Woods. He is Enkii Endith's human equal and his title is The Mask Maker.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Moderate weight, a bit tall and slightly athletic. May seem drowsy or 'out of it' at times, but generally quiet and hardworking.

Special abilities

Makara's magic is based primarily on the materials he uses. As such, he dabbles in animal and plant based magic, mostly the latter. Plant fibers such as cotton or flax can be manipulated easily with his magic, while animal products like leather and wool can behave similarly. Makara, unlike most animal magic users, does not live with his familiars--rather, his familiars are a cow and a sheep that he helps care for at a farm a bit away from Nueven. He visits them on occasion and sells his products in their town. Since his bond with them isn't very strong, he does not suffer from negative effects from being so far away.

Apparel & Accessories

Makara often wears what he makes, usually shirts or sweaters, as well as his working apron and capris pants. During more formal events, he wears collared shirts and formal pants.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Makara is the son of Thalassa Collins and Gana Endith, thus making him Neme and Oscar's older half-brother. He was raised by his father and his uncle, Aruna Endith, alongside his equivalent, Enkii. The two were the result of an affair and were kept hidden from their mother's father, Okeanos. When Aruna came down with Energy Sickness, Makara set it upon himself to provide for his family in Aruna's place. Though young, Makara received good business for his masks and clothing, having a natural talent for working with leather and cloth.   When Aruna and Gana died, Makara and Enkii left to live with their mother, rather than finding a foster home. Okeanos learned about the siblings' origins and grew furious at his wife's disloyalty. He allowed for Makara and Enkii to stay as long as they provided for the family like adults. Makara reluctantly took up this task, while Enkii would snap back or focus more on school work. To avoid Enkii getting hurt, Makara often took the blame for their lack of wages. Okeanos, as such, took most of his fury out on Makara.   Eventually, Okeanos realized he was growing sick--once more, Energy Sickness had caught on. Okeanos resided in the hospital, giving a breath of fresh air to his family. He was not very compliant and desired to get back to his family, more than anything. As such, the prognosis for Okeanos was rather grim--he would only have a year or two left to live.   Thalassa had planned to escape with her children while Okeanos was in the hospital, or sometime after his death, but her plans were stopped when Okeanos insisted on going home to say his goodbyes. With what little power he had left, Okeanos planted a symbol on Makara, causing overexertion and energy to drain from him. Soon after, Okeanos died, and the rest of the family fled to Nueven, where they currently live.   Starting with Okeanos' symbol, Makara has become weaker over time, and is showing the early signs of Energy Sickness such as fatigue and high fevers. He has been to the hospital a few times, but keeps his abilities on the down-low to prevent further visits.


Family Ties

Makara is closest with Enkii, his equivalent. He has looser relationships with Oscar and Neme, sometimes doting or acting 'fatherly' towards them. He doesn't talk to his mother, Thalassa, very often, but this is out of nervousness, not hatred.


Enkii Endith

Equivalent Equal (Vital)

Towards Makara Endith



Makara Endith

Human Equal (Vital)

Towards Enkii Endith




Enkii was made as Makara's equivalent when the latter was born. They have been together ever since, and have a rather close bond; Enkii is one of few people that Makara regularly opens up to.

About 18-19 years old.
Enkii Endith (Equivalent Equal)
Current Residence
Dark brown with some amber.
Messy and about mullet length, can be tied back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown with cool undertones.
About 6'

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