Étoile Callahan Character in Theliecre | World Anvil
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Étoile Callahan

Étoile is one of the main characters of Map of the Woods. She is Keda Callahan's human equal and her title is The Map Maker.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Usually slow in movement, but gains confidence in familiar environments. Uses her white cane very often. About average weight and height.

Identifying Characteristics

Étoile has been blind for a long time, her blindness likely being a genetic occurrence. She has hair covering her eyes, and she uses her cane or holds onto Keda or other people to navigate.

Special abilities

Though Étoile doesn't use her abilities much at the start, she re-learns how to use symbols to help her navigate the world. As such, her symbols are considered to be boost magic.

Apparel & Accessories

Étoile often wears dresses or skirts with leggings, though she does wear pants and shorts from time to time. Despite her formal dress style, Étoile is not worried about getting dirt on her clothing. During the fall and winter, she wears a frilled cloak given to her by Makara
About 13 years old.
Current Residence
Light blue and blind
Light blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization

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