The Wavemother Character in Thelekar | World Anvil

The Wavemother

The Wavemother Kai'ri Yaldir (a.k.a. Seabreaker Kirian)

Tiandi Dal

The first Wavemother was, in fact, not known as the Wavemother. The Old Pantheon had long held onto the philosophy of the divine gods being conquerors of their respective domains, and so such a title would be incorrect. Instead, the sea goddess Tiandi was known as the Seabreaker, the undisputed tyrant of the sea. She was so feared by both sailors and sea denizens that she was often called far less flattering names behind closed doors. To those who might be lost at sea or battling a violent storm, she was the Bitch Queen or the Sea Bitch, but to those who hoped an enemy fleet might be lost before they arrived to the warfront, she was the Queen of the Depths.   Tiandi was temperamental, evil, and malicious. She did not feel the moral obligation to honor any of her agreements or promises if the end result was not beneficial to her. That, and her desire for valuables and excessive tributes, characterized her insatiable greed and cruelty. She was power-hungry and loved exercising it, toying with her worshipers. She fed her sadistic nature by destroying naval vessels and feeding shipwreck victims to her sharks while watching the others drown. She rarely favored individual mortals unless it benefited her in some way. Tiandi did not tolerate any one member of her clergy becoming famous and overshadowing the church and the goddess herself.

Kai'ri Yaldir

When Tiandi fell to Cataclysm's blade, the oceans began to grow restless. Storms began welling up, and with Khora busy sieging Mount Celestia, the duty fell to his 2nd Lieutenant Kai'ri Yaldir. Lady Yaldir was famous for her fabled "sword-juggling" in which she would fight with 6 swords at once, tossing one up and catching the next to keep her opponents on their toes. This reputation gained her the title of Sword Dancer, and her peerless skill allowed her to go head to head with the many sea beasts and upstart demigods attempting to take advantage of Tiandi's death. During the battle, however, she encountered a beast like no other. An Outer Will attempted to invade Thelekar from a portal deep beneath the sea while the rest of the gods were busy battling the main enemy force in the sky. Formless, shapeless, endless terror and power assaulted her mind, hidden by the tumultuous sea. The battle lasted for many hours, and had cost Kai'ri 4 of her 6 legendary blades before it drew to a close. The nameless being managed to strike Kai'ri down, but not before she successfully banished it back to the Far Realm where he came from.   When Khora returned victorious from his conquest, he found Kai'ri surrounded by thousands of dead challengers, victorious in death. Rather than allow this injustice to continue, he granted her the power he had mantled from Tiandi, pulling her soul back from the Promised Gardens and causing her to ascend as the new Goddess of the Sea.   This defiance of Fate would not go unpunished. Some amount of the nameless being's influence remained within Kai'ri's mind, claiming half of her power and sanity. She was left a divided being with 2 distinct personalities, each present and constantly attempting to expel the other. Kai'ri spends much of her time undoing the damage her dark half does, and most sailors hold to the idea that the cycle of tides is due to her inner battle at the bottom of the sea. She does occasionally escape from her self-inflicted bonds, taking on the form of the same Outer Will she battled to the death and destroying any nearby sailing vessels or sea creatures. However, time passes and she always makes her way back to her bindings, relying on her loyal Triton followers to keep the seas in check while she cannot. This alternate, darker personality has been dubbed Seabreaker Kirian by her followers, taking on the same title as the previous sea goddess Tiandi. Clerics of Kai'ri find themselves with dominion over the Nature Domain, though she has a unique following of paladins that take up the Oath of the Ancient Sea, a form of power no other god can offer.
Divine Classification
Young God
Ille Alathar
Aligned Organization


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