The Spellscar Geographic Location in Thelekar | World Anvil

The Spellscar

Pillars of the Gods by DrawingNightmare

The battle that formed the entire Valley of Kings was extraordinary, and the levels of power exerted by its participants only rivalled the confrontations of gods during the First Age. Dalibel Khilkov and Tysha Korol were fighting a battle they knew they couldn't win against the Archmage Rayzadora, a divine in all but name. Entire forests were raised and destroyed during the combat, Dalibel doing his best the match the inconceivable arcane might of the enemy before them. Every spell Rayzadora launched annihilated mountains, evaporated rivers, and carved canyons. In the midst of it all was Tysha, not a High Wizard like Rayzadora or an Archdruid like Dalibel; Tysha was simply himself, a man with a sword and some armor. His sword was enchanted to combat arcane magics, but without Dalibel's help, he would never have stood a chance of coming within 100 feet of the infamous spellcaster.   Rayzadora's incredible power would be his own undoing, however. As the battle raged on, his spells grew grander and grander, tearing at the very weave around him. Visible holes were left in reality, slow to heal and perfect for the underdog swordsman to exploit. Using his magic nullifying blade, he widened the holes in the weave, leaving Rayzadora in a magic vacant void. He used this moment to subdue the mage, placing a silenced collar on his neck and ending the battle as the victor.   
Somewhere by Nico Hohn
This battle, as well as the subsequent tearing of the weave and the scars it left upon reality have forever changed the south-east portion of the valley. Where mountain ranges once stood is a vast grassland, shadowed by mountains now floating in the sky, Pillars of stone and glass jut out from the ground at impossible angles, seemingly only held up by sheer luck. Monoliths humming with arcane energy point to the sky, some even giving off beams of light that disappear into the cloud layer above. The rivers glow with magical potential, and veins of energy stretch across the land, connecting different monoliths and ponds like a living organism. The Purple Road connects the only settlements in the area being Griffon Rock, Camp Stennis, and Dunebrock Keep, but even this paved and guarded road is dangerous to cross. Any use of magical spells or items can result in potentiallt disasteorus effects, ranging from physical mutations to massive explosions.
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