Par Vollen Organization in Thedas | World Anvil
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Par Vollen

Par Vollen is the largest island to the North of Thedas. It is a trophical island chain, which is covered mostly by rainforests and jungles, and located far North of Rivain. A primitive race once inhabited these lands, until the Goliaths invaded.  

Culture and Society

The Goliaths view their society as a single creature, a living entity whose health and well-being is the responsibility of all. Few have ever interacted with any Goliaths other than those of their army. This has heavily impacted outsider opinion, leading most everyone to see Goliaths as strict, abrasive, and cruel.   According to an adventurer from Ferelden, one of the few outsiders everp ermitted to visit Par Vollen, it is one of the only places where it is possible to understand Goliath society in its entirety.  


Some scholars believe that the first humans in Thedas came from the rainforests of Par Vollen thousands of years ago. The underground temples they built still stand to this day and are regarded by travelers to this region as true wonders. Fearless treasure hunters will sometimes travel up to the Eastern coast of Par Vollen in secret, in attempts to find wildly valuable artifacts.   Tevinter held loose control over these lands for as long as most can remember. However, this changed when the Goliaths landed and conquered it quickly. Because of their isolation, there was little attempt to rescue the inhabitants of Par Vollen after invasion. The native humans have since then willingly converted to the Qun and live peacefully on the island. Almost immediately after conquering Par Vollen, the Goliaths went to war with Rivain.   Very few outsiders are ever permitted to visit Par Vollen's shores anymore.
Par Vollen map
Geopolitical, Country
Subsidiary Organizations

Location: Northerneastern island off of Thedas


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