Kordilius Drakon I Character in Thedas | World Anvil
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Kordilius Drakon I

Kordilius Drakon I was the founder and first emperor of the Orlesian Empire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kordilius Drakon was born as the youngest son to Septimus and Castana Drakon. Castana was the daughter of a prominent Ciriane chieftain.   Drakon was a fervent believer in the Maker and often claimed that the Maker had personally charged him with spreading the Chant of Light. He was instrumental in turning the cult of the Maker, which had no central leadership at the time, into the Chantry. Because of his actions, he was declared "Anointed" by the Chantry and is revered as much as Andraste by many of its members. Drakon was also a brilliant general, leading the newly founded empire to rapid expansion.  

His Rule

Drakon believed that Andraste had appeared to him in a dream when he was a child, and had tasked him with redeeming the world in the eyes of the Maker. Worship of the Maker was fragmented at the time, with each Ciriane clan having its own variety of the cult of Andraste, with different rituals and traditions. Drakon started unifying their belief of the Maker at the age of sixteen, by taking to the battlefield. The Daughters of Song, a peaceful cult of the Maker numbering in the thousands, were wiped out by Drakon's forces; they refused to arm themselves when Drakon's forces sacked their village and were all either killed or captured.   When he reached the age of majority, he courted and married Area Montlaures. She was an unequaled archer and a shrewd tactician, and together they conquered well into modern-day Nevarra and Orlais, stamping out lingering worship of the Tevinter Old Gods. The Alamarri of what is now known as Ferelden were violently opposed to letting go of their belief in the Alamarri Pantheon.   Drakon's campaign of expansion stalled due to heavier resistance in the North and constant pressures from those barbarians who lived in the Dales to the east. At this point in history, the Dales were not yet the home of the Dalish. Fearing that his cause was failing because the Maker questioned his devotion, Drakon refocused his attention on glorifying his god. He began construction of a great temple dedicated to the Maker on the foundations of an ancient Ciriane fortress which had been home to the original "mother of the Ciriane", declaring that by its completion he would have brought Andrastian belief to the world.   During the twelve years it took to build a suitable temple, he wrote part of the Chant of Light: the Canticle of Exaltations. He also began many series of attacks aimed at uniting the warring city-states of the south. When the temple finished, Drakon was crowned emperor in Val Royeaux, having conquered several neighboring city-states and forcing the submission of others. His first act as emperor was to declare the Chantry as the established religion of the Empire. He created the holy office of the Divine, and after protracted elections Olessa of Montsimmard was proclaimed the first Divine three years later, taking the name Justinia.   During his reign, he fought many wars whose details have been lost to time. Sometime during which, he required the assistance of the Inquisition. Eventually, most of the group joined under the banner of Kordilius's empire and agreed to serve as the Templar Order to the newly constructed Circle of Magi. Some members of the Inquisition vehemently disagreed with such a move and instead, supposedly, formed the Rangers of the South.   Drakon died of old age and was succeeded by his son Kordillus II. At the time of his death, he had created the most powerful empire in Thedas, rivaled only by the Tevinter Imperium, and began the movement which later united most of the continent under the belief of the Maker.   His tomb in Val Royeaux was plundered during the Second Exalted March after the city was sacked by Dalish armies. His arms and armor were taken to Halamshiral. When Halamshiral itself was later sacked, the artifacts were lost.
Circumstances of Death
Passed away in his sleep
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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