Ferelden nobility system Organization in Thedas | World Anvil
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Ferelden nobility system

To its neighbors, the kingdom of Ferelden seems utterly chaotic. Unlike other monarchies, power does not reside exclusively with the royalty and nobility. Rather, it arises from the support of the freeholders.  
Ferelden Political Regions



The King is the most powerful noble in the kingdom. Although Denerim was originally the official "teyrnir of the King", it was lowered to being the "arling of the King" since the king already has domain over all of Ferelden. However, even the monarch's power must derive from support throughout the land. The sight of a King asking for, and working to win the support of, "lesser" nobles is a source of constant wonder to foreign ambassadors.   The first king was Calenhad Theirin. The second king was Gregory Flume.  


Teyrns arose from among the Banns having grown powerful enough to move lesser Banns to swear fealty to them. There used to be many more teyrnirs before King Calenhad's rise to power. Teyrns are still owed fealty by vassals of both Arl and Bann ranks, whom they may call upon in the event of war or disaster. However they are also responsible for lending aid to them when needed. In modern times a king or a queen has the right to name a teyrn.  


The Teyrns at some point established arlings, giving the title of Arl to those assigned to command strategic fortresses that the Teyrns could not oversee directly. Arls are more prestigious than Banns, but they usually have no Banns sworn to them.  


Each freehold chooses the Bann or Arl to whom it pays allegiance. Typically, this choice is made based on proximity of the freehold to the lord's castle (as it's rarely worthwhile to pay for the upkeep of soldiers who will arrive at one's lands too late to defend them). For the most part, each generation of freeholders casts its lot with the same Bann as the previous generation did, but things can and do change. No formal oaths are sworn, and it is not unheard of, especially in the prickly central Bannorn, for Banns to court freeholders away from their neighbors - a practice tending to ignite feuds that can last for ages.  


Knights are minor nobles sworn into the service of a lord. In wartime, knights serve as officers and elite warriors in a lord's army and are sometimes sent on quests. Fully-pledged members of a chivalric order, such as the Templars, are given knighthood, but they are not a part of the nobility.  


Most of the property in Ferelden is owned by the freeholders. Although not strictly speaking nobles, they provide the primary source of income for most banns and arls. A freeholder is essentially a commoner who owns their own land. Although many freeholders swear loyalty to a bann or arl this is more of a business arrangement, trading goods for protection. It is not unheard of for a Freeholder to leave the service of one bann in favor of another. Many feuds amongst the bannorn are the result of the Freeholders shifting allegiances.  

The Landsmeet

The Landsmeet is a council of the Ferelden noble class which has been held annually since just before the unification of Ferelden. It brought together all the fractured Alamarri tribes and after the unification of the kingdom, it functions as the official legislative body for Ferelden, and can override the king or queen on any matter of law. However, its members tend not to exercise this privilege. During the Landsmeet the current monarch is expected to mingle with and curry favour from their vassals.
Political, Confederation


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