Calenhad Theirin Character in Thedas | World Anvil
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Calenhad Theirin

Calenhad Theirin was the man who united the Alamarri tribes into a single nation, and is currently the first king of Ferelden.   Through his actions, he was able to bring together the Alamarri tribes that had long since been divided. He united them against a singular enemy: the Orlesians.  


Prior to his rise to the throne, King Calenhad was the son of a merchant who had fallen on hard times. It was only a few years after his birth that Orlesians began their fifteen year occupation of Ferelden. During this time, many Fereldens worked as slaves to these invaders. Calenhad's father was no exception. Knowing his father was unable to pay the irrational taxes placed on his goods, Calenhad began training as a knight and eventually found himself working underneath one of the teyrns. This teyrnir, like almost all other Alamarri, detested the Orlesians. Calenhad found himself in an underground race for potential kingship. After single handedly protecting the teyrn from a legion of chevalier, Calenhad became a bit of a legend amongst Alamarri. His name grew in prominence, and the teryn who was saved offered his daughter's hand in marriage to him. By doing this, Calenhad had become a rightful candidate for king.   His actions attracted many Orlesians attempting to strike him down. None were able to best him. He also attracted more Alamarri to his side, too. His reputation began to grow larger than himself, yet he stayed humble. His experiences as a warrior made for excellent tales that continued to rally more to his cause.   A secret Landsmeet was called and Calenhad made an appearance with his army. Only one noble opposed him: Simeon, the teyrn of Denerim. The Landsmeet agreed that whoever killed the other in a fair fight was destined by the Maker to lead Ferelden. The battle was close, Calenhad was matched and wounded but ultimately defeat in Simeon. However, to the surprise of the teyrns, Calenhad did not kill Simeon. No one is quite sure why, but it is commonly believed he did so because he thought it would've weakened Ferelden to lose such a strong fighter and leader to the sake of tradition.   Despite shocking the nobles of the Landsmeet, Calenhad was given the title of kingship over Alamarri land. It was at this Landsmeet that the teyrns formed the nation that is now known as Ferelden. Calenhad continued to lead a brutal resistance against the Orlesians. He intelligently waited until the late-Autumn to begin fighting them. This made it impossible for the Orlesians to continue fighting due to the winter of the Frostback Mountains cutting off any potential escape or supply routes if they had stayed. With their fleeing, Ferelden was once more free.   He ended up ruling as Ferelden's first king for almost forty years. He died after the Arishok stormed his castle, butchering him, and cutting his head off in front of a group of nobles. Many blame the Wardens for Calenhad's death, due to their involvement in provoking the goliaths.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Former King of Ferelden
Circumstances of Death
Beheaded by the Arishok
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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